Kamis, 10 September 2015

#VitasExchangeLife - Midvalley Megamall

The first day in KL spent by going to the mall. My cousin in Indonesia commented on my activity on path "Vita always visit the mall no matter where..." hahaha We went to Midvalley megamall, they said it is the closest mall to our dormitory. I went there with Mbak Vina, Mbak Citra, Mbak Bonti, Mas Azro, Mas Ghanes, Disky, Petrina, Ching Hui, Kiyomi, and Neary. Still with the Indonesian dominated the group :p We took bus to get there, i didn't remember the bus number from Universiti station to Midvalley, because since then i never took bus to midvalley anymore, we only take Taxi from now on because we don't have to change vehicle or something if we take bus. The thing that i remember is we changed bus twice in order to get there. The best thing that i like about Malaysia is the public transportation compared to Indonesia -_-

Universiti Station

 When we reached Midvalley we went to Daiso and having lunch there. My first meal in KL was Korean food, Jjang-Myeon. Can you believe it, Korean food in Malaysia. Okay! You did it well Vit.
Jjang-Myeon MYR12

Malaysian Taxi they call it Teksi

Inside University of Malaya


I had dinner at the cafetaria inside the dormitory area, you need to know that the sellers are from Indonesia.. well hahaha and I saw this sleepy cutie cat sleeping on the chair next to me. I miss my Catttttttt!!!

KK10 Cafetaria cat

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Winnie The Pooh - Piglet