Senin, 14 Maret 2016

The Beginning Of The Journey Of Finding Myself

Been one day since the SYLC 3.0 finished. It was the very first conference that I attended and I could tell it was the great one. I joined AIESEC last 13th of February, through a very long journey yet exciting one, so basically this conference was part of the probation time for the new members of AIESEC Surabaya. It was held for 3 days, tiring yet unforgettable. There, I met a lot of inspiring people, I learned a lot of new things, I discovered my hidden ability that has been hiding for so long, and I found peace within myself.
I realized that I belong to Indonesia, my sense of belonging of Indonesia has been awaken through this conference. I have responsibility to change this country as one of its youth.
I really appreciate the time I spent at the conference, thanks to all of the CC for arranging such wonderful event that had really big impacts for all of the delegates, especially me.
Well, world welcome the new me.

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